supportive living Articles
Help for “mature” brains: from practical tips to memory support
April 30, 2019 Health Care, Personal Care, Skilled Care amenities, CCRC, Memory Support, personal care, skilled care, supportive living
Have you ever had your keys one moment, only to misplace them the next? “I had them just a minute ago!” Have you struggled to remember what’s-his-name? “Oh, come on, …
Rivals, best friends, and much more: Jack and Jim, a dynamic duo for 88 years
June 14, 2018 Community, Family, Lifestyle, Skilled Care Brethren Village, families, residents, skilled care, supportive living
Jack and Jim Forsha now live at Brethren Village Retirement Community with their wives, Billie and Jean. Remarkably, their individual paths through life have been strikingly similar, with one rarely making a major decision without the other one. It’s who they are, it’s what they know, and neither of them would have it any other way.
Seniors with dementia benefit from professional memory support programs
September 11, 2017 Continuing Care Retirement Community, Personal Care CCRC, Memory Support, personal care, supportive living
As we age, we may experience some degree of change in our memory. That’s common and isn’t necessarily cause for concern. It’s part of the aging process, and we learn to adapt to and accommodate these changes—and even make light of them in conversation with friends.
Rehabilitation services improve physical functioning and wellness for seniors
May 22, 2017 Caregivers, Health Care, Personal Care exercise, personal care, Rehabilitation, senior health, supportive living, Wellness and Fitness, wellness programs
Rehabilitation services assist older adults in improving their quality of life by helping them recover from the effects of injury, illness or surgery and regain their independence. Rehabilitation is focused on making the daily activities of life easier—getting out of bed, bathing, walking, going up and down stairs, and shopping. “Rehab” can have significant value as part of an ongoing wellness program as well.
Personal care services = security, privacy, fellowship and contentment
February 14, 2017 Caregivers, Continuing Care Retirement Community, Health Care, Personal Care, Skilled Care Memory Support, personal care, Rehabilitation, senior health, skilled care, supportive living
We often hear from seniors and their families that they feel relieved following the move to a personal care residence at our continuing care retirement community (CCRC). We get comments like “I’ll never have to move again,” “This feels like home” and “Everything I need is right here.”
Retirees find joy and meaning at vibrant senior living communities
January 20, 2017 Community, Food, Health Care, Lifestyle, Personal Care, Residential Living, Senior Living, Skilled Care dining, event, independent living, Memory Support, residents, shuttle service, skilled care, Social Activities, supportive living
The comedian George Burns practiced what he preached when he said, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” At the age of 96, he signed …