Our mission.
Vision Statement
Enriching each life touched by our ministry at Brethren Village.
Mission Statement
Rooted in the tradition of service within the Church of the Brethren, the mission of Brethren Village is to provide a continuum of services and Christ-like care to support the aging process and to enhance the spiritual, physical, social and emotional wholeness of residents, staff and community.
Core Values
In the ministry of Brethren Village, we are committed to living our Vision and our Mission in the servant style of Jesus, with:
Infusing everything that we do with compassion and caring for the well-being of each other and the greater community.
Exhibiting unwavering honesty and fairness in every dimension of our organization.
Recognizing that all of our resources are entrusted to us by the Lord, we will seek to maximize the use of our time, our talents and our material resources in a manner that honors and glorifies Him.
Making it our passion to bring our best to everything that we do – enriching each life that we touch.