Coronavirus Update

View the information below for BV’s Updates on COVID-19.

April 9, 2020

View the updated Team Member Illness guidelines here.

April 8, 2020

Today we learned that two more Residents in skilled nursing memory support tested positive for COVID-19 and two CNAs in skilled nursing also tested positive. Additionally, two Residents in skilled nursing memory support, who have COVID-19 tests pending, passed away. Our deepest sympathies are with the families. Tests are being conducted when signs, symptoms and exposure risks have been identified. At this time, Residents and Team Members who meet current Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control criteria for testing are being tested. Brethren Village remains committed to transparency as we navigate this virus. As positive cases are identified, we will keep the community updated.

We have notified public health officials as required and are following procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Department of Health. We are taking every step as recommended by authorities and we want to make residents, their families, our dedicated staff, and our community aware of this situation and reassure everyone that we are doing our best to mitigate the situation.

April 7, 2020

View the updated Team Member Illness guidelines in External Resources section below.

April 6, 2020

Covid-19 Case Update

On Monday afternoon, April 6, we learned that an additional Team Member in an administrative role and a CNA both tested positive for COVID-19. The administrative Team Member is in the same department as the previously announced administrative Team Member that tested positive (announced April 1, 2020) and has been home since April 2. The CNA is a caregiver in skilled nursing memory support, where the previously announced Residents have tested positive for COVID-19, and has been home since April 1. Brethren Village remains committed to transparency as we navigate this virus. Symptoms continue to be monitored of both Residents and Team Members to ensure all necessary precautions are taken to safeguard the well-being of our Team Members and Residents.

April 4, 2020

Update as of 5:01 PM

Brethren Village remains committed to transparency as we navigate this virus. The previously announced skilled nursing memory support resident that tested positive for COVID-19 continues to be in stable condition at our facility. There were 3 other residents on the same unit that were tested due to potential exposure. We learned today that two of them tested positive for COVID-19 and one of the two passed away this morning. The deceased resident had underlying health conditions. The third resident’s test was negative. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family of our deceased resident. Both residents are isolated and symptoms continue to be monitored both of residents and team members to ensure COVID-19 patients receive the best possible care while all necessary precautions are taken to ensure the well-being of our team members and other residents.

We have notified public health officials as required and are following procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. We are taking every step as recommended by authorities and we want to make residents, their families, our dedicated staff, and our community aware of this situation and reassure everyone that we are mitigating the situation.

April 4, 2020

View the updated Team Member Illness guidelines in External Resources section below.

April 3, 2020

Update: BV is closing to outside visitors. Residents and Team Members ONLY allowed on campus, beginning at 7 PM on April 5. View details here.


April 1, 2020

6:45 PM Update: Positive Resident COVID-19 Case Identified

We learned late this afternoon that a Resident in The Courtyards Memory Support tested positive for COVID-19. The Resident is isolated and symptoms of Residents and Team Members are being monitored. Family Members of Residents in the same wing are being notified. We have also notified public health officials as required, and are following procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. We are taking every step as recommended by authorities and we want to reassure everyone that we are mitigating the situation.

We will continue to update you as we learn of new cases at Brethren Village.

11:45 AM:
Brethren Village remains vigilant in the ongoing welfare, safety, and health of our residents and team members. We learned at 10 PM last night, March 31, 2020, that a non-caregiving staff member in an administrative role tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member has been self-quarantined at home since March 25, is doing well and will remain home for the full 14 days at which time their ability to return to work will be assessed as recommended by their healthcare provider. At this time, we consider the overall risk to be low.

We have notified public health officials as required and are following procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. We are taking every step as recommended by authorities and we want to make residents, their families, our dedicated staff, and our community aware of this situation and reassure everyone that we are mitigating the situation.

View the video from John Snader, President & CEO, above.

March 30, 2020

The video below summarizes the steps we are taking to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 in our facility, and how we handle Team Members who may exhibit symptoms consistent with COVID-19.